Mohammad Shahjahan

Throughout his extensive professional career, Meer Sajed-Ul Basher held executive positions with numerous local and international businesses, including Motorola, Mutual Trust Bank (MTB), IDLC Finance, Impress Capital Limited, etc. He was constantly searching for new, creative solutions.
Mr. Sajed is active in the academic community and enjoys routinely giving talks on investment and finance at various universities and organizations to pass along his acquired expertise to the younger generation. He belongs to the Institute of Internal Auditors and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Bangladesh, both of which are professional organizations.
Mr. Sajed is a great reader who has a great desire to see the world and discover new things. He is a firm believer that “people empowerment” and “impact investment” lead to the creation of societies that prioritize economic welfare.
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Dhanmondi C/A, Dhaka 1209