
What to do if you develop Coronavirus (Covid-19) Symptoms

If you or your neighbour/relative has cough, fever, throat pain or running nose, please do the following things frequently & regularly. Even if you don’t have those symptoms, you can follow these for prevention:

  1. Worm water with salt gargle several times a day
  2. Hot steam/vapour inhalation through nose & mouth at least 2-3 times daily
  3. Drink hot water with lemon several times daily
  4. Take ginger tea more (green tea better)
  5. Take more orange & malta daily
  6. Take some black seeds (kali jira) 2-3 times daily
  7. Take rice or bread as less as possible, avoid meat, take well-cooked fish, egg & chicken (occasional), drink milk (skimmed or fat-free)
  8. Take any type of fruits more (after washing thoroughly). Preferable fruits: orange, banana (diabetics should take less), pomegranate (anar), apple, kiwi etc,
  9. Eat all sorts of well-cooked or boiled vegetables. Preferable vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, capsicum, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, beans, lentils, legumes etc.
  10. For fever & pain, take Paracetamol tablet only (after food). For running nose or nose-block, take antihistamine only (ceitrizine/loratidine). For dry cough, take natural cough syrup or antitussive syrup only. For productive cough with sputum, take spectorant/mucolytic syrup only. (for appropriate drug & dose, better to consult with a registered doctor), and finally
  11. If you develop any sort of breathing difficulty/respiratory distress with the above symptoms, please immediately call the local control centre of health or call an ambulance to take you to any of the designated/assigned hospitals. Please don’t delay in case of breathing difficulty with fever & cough.

Thank you all….Stay home, stay safe & stay healthy……May Almighty protect all of us.

Writer:  Dr Mohammad Dewan, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia (Madinah Munawara)

Diabetes: Cure, Care & Prevention

CARES has organized a public lecture series at EMK Center from 22-25 September 2019.  Dr S. M. Mahbubur Rashid, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Dhaka has given his lecture on 24 September 2019 on “Diabetes: Care, Cure & Prevention”.  Following is the summary video of his lecture.  If you want to see the full video of the lecture please visit >>

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